Intellectual Property Rights

The site and its subsidiaries or affiliated companies own all titles and rights of ownership, disposition and benefit. These rights include, but are not limited to, intellectual property rights to the site and the service, suggestions, ideas, recommendations, requests, graphics, the user interface, visual clips, editorial content, texts and software used to implement the service, etc. From information related to the Site provided by users or any other party.
The terms and conditions contained in this agreement do not constitute a sale and do not transfer to you any ownership rights, whether intellectual or otherwise.
You acknowledge that the intellectual property of this site is considered the exclusive property of the site and this ownership includes, but is not limited to, the name of the site, its logo, and the services it provides, and it is also considered a trademark of the site and its affiliates.
The site does not grant any right or license to use the site for purposes other than those intended for it and described in the terms and conditions of this agreement, so you pledge that you will not do the following.
Copying, distributing or exploiting the site or any other content related to the site by any means without obtaining the prior written consent of the site administration.
Modifying the site, deriving works based on it, creating links to, framing or mirroring any site on another server, another wireless device, or otherwise.
Reverse engineer or access the Site in order to: a. Design and/or create a competing website or service. B. Designing and/or creating a website that uses the same services, ideas, features, functions or otherwise that are considered proprietary property of the website.
Copy any services, ideas, features, functions or content related to the site.
Violation of the provisions of this clause is considered a breach and material violation of the intellectual property rights of the site, and the site administration has the right to sue the violator in accordance with what is stated in the Applicable Laws / Dispute Resolution clause of this agreement and request compensation.

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