Privacy Policy

The privacy policy was developed with the aim of protecting the privacy of the customer and the user and also helps him understand the data that is used by us, the objectives of use, the limits of use, and the justifications for collecting it. We also clarify that the terms contained in this privacy policy have been set in a codified manner and the user can view and understand them in the “Terms Clause”.


“Afaq Alpha Company Limited” was established, commercial registration: 1010967099, and its headquarters are: Riyadh – Al-Rabwah District – Makkah Al-Mukarramah Road, Rolaco Building, Office 202-203A, email  Tel: 0598933333″ to provide a range of real estate services from Through the application, its website, its branches or its employees, the services provided by “Afaq Alpha Company Limited” can be used by registering basic information, and we strive to preserve the customer’s privacy and we have the right to use it within the scope of the services provided by us or our partners, and due to the importance of data privacy we have set “ “Privacy Policy” to understand the procedures for collecting and using your information and data and the ways to deal with them. When you register on one of our sites, you agree to all the terms of the privacy policy and acknowledge that you have read, understood, and taken note of everything contained therein. We clarify that no person (natural or legal) has the right to use the services provided by us except after collecting personal data, whether during registration or through the use of the application and/or website, as well as what is collected through artificial intelligence, which are as follows:

  1. National ID number/regular residency/equivalent number, date of birth and gender.
  2. The username registered in official documents.
  3. Mobile number.
  4. Email.
  5. Residential address.
  6. Information that we receive indirectly from third parties, such as (subsidiaries / contracting companies / advertisers / government agencies / what appears through monitoring our work / others)
  7. Other information (collected/received) from a third party.
  8. What is collected through cookies are text files containing small amounts of information that are sent to your browser and stored on your computer, mobile phone or other device when you visit a website. Cookies send information back to the original website or another website that recognizes the cookie.

Justifications for collecting personal data and methods of using it

We confirm that while collecting your data, we are keen to ensure that it is used in an appropriate manner that meets the objectives of the services provided by us. Also, the legal justification for using this information may help us improve our services and the user experience, and then comes the rest of the justifications that require us to collect personal data, as well as the services provided by We accepted based on the information collected as follows:

  1. Verify the user’s identity to ensure that there are no fake identifiers that directly or indirectly affect our services or third-party services provided by us.
  2. Reservation requests and use of services provided by us or others.
  3. Responding to complaints and inquiries and hearing suggestions.
  4. Sending promotional publications that could help you benefit from our services or from the services of others such as (affiliates/contracting companies/advertisers).
  5. News that are added or modified to (the website/application) such as services, offers, or discounts, whether by us or by others.
  6. User experience work.
  7. Notifications issued by us in the event that the privacy policy or terms of use are modified.
  8. To request completion of the services provided by us, such as (contracting/selling/purchasing/and other services provided by us).
  9. Using judicial claims or resorting to security agencies or other government agencies to preserve our rights and interests.
  10. Evaluation and statistical work for the user or our company.

We note that all the data referred to is preserved by “Afaq Alfa Company” and you, as a user, have the right to access (your information/view/correct/update/complete). You also have the right to request the destruction of your personal data whenever the need for it no longer exists, and in the event of a request for destruction, we have the right to evaluate the request. Destruction (by accepting or rejecting it) after ensuring that all of our rights have been fulfilled.

Disclosure of Personal Data

In accordance with our internal policies and procedures, we have set standards for disclosing your personal data within the limits of work requirements to accomplish it, including: –

  1. In the event of a user’s (request/requests) to benefit from the services provided by us, which must be (approved/inquired/verified) by one of the (government agencies/private agencies), we disclose the personal data registered with us within the limits of ensuring acceptance of the request in form and substance. .
  2. Based on your registration with us and to guarantee our full rights mentioned in the terms of use (legitimate/regular), we in some cases inquire from (government agencies/private agencies) to find out the contract statuses of the user registered with us who (requested/benefited/browsed/viewed/inquired) ) for one of the services provided by us and he did not complete his request after that.
  3. What must be disclosed when you submit (request/requests) to benefit from our services according to the unified model (for the service/services) in which we provide a third party such as (advertisers/marketers/owners/agents/liquidators/sales agents/subsidiaries/contracting companies) /Financiers/banks/mortgage agencies/leasing offices/brokerage agencies/moral financing agencies/subsequent service companies/Simah/Milm) Their use of it will be subject to its terms of use and privacy policy without any responsibility on us.

Amendment and deletion of the privacy policy

We have the right to amend what is stated in the privacy policy according to what appears to us through working on it or what the relevant regulations require to be modified or deleted, as well as any important complaints or suggestions we receive. In this case, the approval icon for the updated privacy policy will appear, and it does not mean Modification or deletion gives the user the right to demand compensation from us.

Transfer of ownership or shares

It is known that the transfer of all or part of the ownership is included in the business, so you agree that if any of the actions mentioned in the company’s ownership occur, the new owner has the right to use your personal data in a way that does not conflict with our goals and policy that you agreed to during registration. If new terms are applied to the usage policy or the goals of the new owner change, it is important that you review the amendments to these policies, and you have the right to reject them and request the destruction of the data.

Warranties Guarantees and Liability

After reviewing all of the provisions in the Privacy Policy, we confirm that we have taken all necessary measures to ensure that your personal data is stored in an appropriate and appropriate manner. Also, when developing and drafting these provisions, they were verified to ensure the achievement of our goals in a way that does not conflict with the protection of your personal data or its incorrect circulation. It is known that while saving, trading, or disclosing that data, something unexpected happens, such as the seizure or theft of your personal data and its illegal or illegal use. Accordingly, you disclaim our legal responsibility for those illegal situations that directly or indirectly cause the use of your personal data. Appropriately or inappropriately. 

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